Thanks for completing the assessment quiz {First Name (First):1738.1}.
You can see your score overview below, along with key areas of improvement and next steps.
Your printable PDF report is being generated and will be in your inbox within a few minutes (please check your spam folder as well).
It contains all of the below, plus additional information about your score in each of the 8 topic areas.
Your Results
{First Name (First):1738.1}, your overall score is: %
The bar chart shows your score in each topic area.
Your Top Strength
Your Key Area of Improvement
How we can help you further:
Next Step
Please do ensure you check out your FULL PDF report, on its way to your inbox now. It contains more information about your score for each of the 8 topic areas.
Just by answering these questions, you have started to think about the potential ways to improve your profit and value.
We invite you to speak with us further to discuss the opportunities presented.